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Integrated Management

How Sustainability Creates Value for Any Business

Integrated Management is the process of including ESG performance in close coordination between business processes, groups, organizations, and systems.  What can be done by individuals, functions, organizations, and entire value chains to integrate and align sustainability? It’s easy to say sustainability is important, yet not so easy to understand how it is part of the decisions that are made every day and how it cuts across business functions, systems, and supply chains.  This award-winning book finds enterprises already on the path toward integrated management and strategic sustainable development. It considers the opportunity we have to enable an enterprise value proposition that includes ESG performance as a Return on Integration (ROInt). Winner of the Responsible Research in Business & & Management (RRBM) Award.

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The Power of Existing Buildings

Save Money, Improve Health, and Reduce Environmental Impacts

Your building has the potential to change the world. In The Power of Existing Buildings, sustainability expert Robert Sroufe, and construction and building experts Craig Stevenson and Beth Eckenrode, explain how to realize the potential of existing buildings and make them perform like new. This step-by-step guide will help readers to: understand where to start a project; develop financial models and realize costs savings; assemble an expert team; and align goals with numerous sustainability programs. Winner of the Academy of Management's ONE Division Book Award.

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Developing Sustainable Supply Chains to Drive Value

Volume One

Volume I provides a multi-perspective approach to sustainability and value chains to allow understanding from a variety of disciplines and professional backgrounds. Some of the key features of this book include: Short vignettes of important trends along with relevant management issues; Evidence-based management examples from leading multinational companies, small, and medium enterprises spanning supply chains; References to appropriate tools, emerging technology, and practices; Chapter action items for the reader to take a deeper look at integration opportunities involving sustainability and supply chain management; An action-learning approach to applying concepts and tools so readers from any functional perspective can implement and manage sustainability projects including; Guidelines on how to move forward with your first supply chain sustainability initiative. Winner of the Academy of Management - Organizations and Environment (ONE) book award.

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Developing Sustainable Supply Chains to Drive Value

Volume Two

Sustainability is changing and changing rapidly. It is becoming more widespread as companies and customers uncover its power and attractiveness and sustainability also receiving more attention in the press. Support for sustainability lies within new tools, frameworks, and approaches. The authors capture these and other developments in this two-volume second edition of Developing Sustainable Supply Chains.


In the first volume, the authors assess major management opportunities; the second volume focuses on implementation; when combined, the result is a complete, action-oriented treatment of sustainability. Written by two of the leading academic researchers in this area, this series introduces the reader, whether they are a student, manager, or experienced sustainability advocate, to the various tools, frameworks, and approaches that work.

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Strategic Sustainability

The State of the Art in Corporate Environmental Management Systems

It is now assumed that most large companies have some version of an Environmental Management System (EMS) in place with systems ranging from informal policies and practices to formalized third-party certified systems that are widely publicized by companies and are now integral to their strategic direction. No matter what level and type of system a firm chooses, both practitioners and researchers wish to examine and better understand the extent to which these systems are cross-functional, how they impact performance evaluation, their capability to monitor supply chains and the life-cycles of products and services and, most importantly, how these systems contribute to better environmental performance and the sustainability reports. 

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Paul Polman

Former CEO of Unilever

Integrated Management is making a simple but powerful case for developing your business model beyond shareholder primacy only and showing you practically and simply how to get started, integrate and reap the benefits. Comprehensive, actionable and enjoyable.

Anjanette Green

Director, Standards Development, RESET

Our future depends on low-energy buildings with great indoor air quality. The Power of Existing Buildings is the evidence-based resource showing exactly how to do it.

John Elkington

Chairman & Chief Pollinator, Volans

Tomorrow's capitalism will value different things - and value them differently. In his timely, insightful book Integrated Management, Robert Sroufe explores what this means for business, integrated bottom lines performance, markets and, ultimately, all of us


Pennyslvanians Can Benefit from the Energy Inovation and Carbon Dividends Act

The revenue-neutral EICDA facilitates a market-driven implementation of clean energy technology to reduce pollution by placing a fee on the importers and producers of carbon-emitting fossil fuels, with heavy polluters paying higher fees

Torn Between Two Paradigms: A Struggle for the Soul of Business Schools

The article articulates what the emergent paradigm of an economy in service to life looks like and argues that Business schools will need to integrate both traditional academic disciplines and ESG performance while incorporating the major threats, and opportunities, facing businesses and society.

Transforming Business Education 21st Century Sustainable MBA Programs

This article challenges other Business schools and faculty to develop a curriculum that embeds sustainability in the core of their programs.

Patent to Estimate Scope 3 GHG Emissions for Logistics

A patent for the process of estimating emissions both as a company and at the shipment level. This process enables shippers to receive Scope 3 emission reports for their own carbon tracking.

Impact of Environmental Management Systems on Corporate and Enviornmental Performance

Drawing on data provided by a survey of North American managers, their attitudes toward EMS and ISO 14001, this study assesses the relative effects of EMS and performance.

Publications are also available at Google Scholar

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Eden Hall Campus

6035 Ridge Road, Gibsonia, PA 15044

©2024 by Robert Sroufe

ROInt Mgt Group, LLC


We minimize our fossil fuel emissions annually

Measuring and managing emissions is in our DNA

- Integrationist, Sustainability Translator, MVP, Optimist

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